But first we had to top up with water. The sanitary station is just through the next bridge from the mooring, and we were filling up when Bruce and Sheila went past on NB Sanity.
Away from the Bridge 62 moorings

Good security for the moorings....

Shouted greetings, and they went on to moor on the town moorings for shopping. We passed them, moving on to moor a little precariously near Bridge 64. We ran aground about 6” from the bank, so I hopped off and hammered in mooring pins as we were. It wouldn’t have done for any length of time, but was adequate for an hour or so, especially as Mags was staying on board.
Passing NB Sanity on the town moorings.

We had a very gentle cruise towards Adderley Locks, barely above tickover listening to the birds. I jumped off with Meg between bridges to stretch our 6 legs.
Mags solo boating (for 10 minutes)

We intended to moor just above the flight, but that damn concrete shelf below the water prevented us from getting any closer to the bank than about 10”. So took the decision to work down the flight, and moor at the bottom where we moored 18 months ago.
Like Tyrley, Adderley Locks are a joy to work, light gates and well oiled gearing. In fact I congratulated a chap from BW this morning while I was out with Meg. He was out with his oil can and grease gun at Tyrley.
Adderley Top Lock

Adderley Flight

We moored at the bottom of the locks. As it turned out I’m glad we couldn’t get in at the top, it’s a lot more pleasant down here.

Locks 5, miles 3½