Thursday, January 03, 2008

Meg was poorly last night. She’d picked up a dead fish (judging by the smell!) when we were out on our evening constitutional, and it upset her tummy badly. She’s been sick all night, so we all had an interrupted night.

Poorly Meg
She was brighter this morning, so we walked back to Sutton Cheney Wharf via the Bosworth Field Country Park and Ambion Wood. Yesterday I promised to post some pictures of the sinking “plastic pontoon”.

Although it seems sensible, if the landing is dangerous, to prevent people from accessing it from the footpath, as all of it’s users are from the canal wouldn’t it also make sense to have some sort of notice facing the canal?
Carol was still there, waiting for the water tap to thaw, and she noticed a posse of BW people with clipboards descend just before she left. Maybe some action is imminent? Or maybe they were measuring how much more yellow tape they need to seal off the area completely……

Carol joined us at the Battlefield Moorings just after lunch. Her dog, Seley, was dressed for the weather, complete with fur trimmed hood!

Seley with the latest designer cold weather gear
The snow hasn’t arrived here yet, but it’s been a cold day in the east wind.

Meg seems better this evening, although she’s still not eaten anything. We’re not forcing her so long as she drinks. She’ll eat when she’s ready.

Locks 0, Miles 0


Adam said...

Poor Meg! I love the way she always knows where to stand to get in the photo. A classic example was in your post of 20 December, of the boat in the marina. Hope she's feeling better soon, and I', looking forward to following another year of your travels.

Geoff and Mags said...

Thanks for the thought Adam. As you can see from today's post, she's a lot better today.
You're right, she's a real poser! She even tried to get in the photo of the mooring at Sutton Cheney yesterday!
Regards, Geoff