We moved off at 10:45, 150 yards and into Stockton Top Lock. It took us just over 2 hours to drop down through this flight, and to pass the next two as well. We stopped for a bite to eat, and Carol and I went to the local shop for essentials.
Descending Stockton Locks.

Lots of boats around near Stockton.

Opposite the Blue Lias pub we passed NB LAPLANDER. This was a 1830’s icebreaker on the BCN (Birmingham Canal Navigations), and has been converted and fitted with steam power, hence the tall stack.

Under way again, and we arrived at Bascote locks at around 14:00, having stopped for water at Bridge 27. The first 2 of this group of 4 are a staircase, where the lower gates of the top chamber form the top gates of the lower one.
Bascote 2 Rise Staircase

Guardians of the Locks, Swans at Bascote.

The intention was to moor just after the locks, recommended by Adam from NB DEBDALE. But unfortunately someone had beaten us to it, so we moved on and moored just above Welsh Road Lock.
Locks 14, miles 5¼.