Monday, April 05, 2010

On Barnton Cut

Hope you've not been pigging out on chocolate eggs....
Chocolate Bunny

We got a slot down the lift on Saturday lunchtime, sharing the tank with a very pleasant couple, Mike and Ruth on NB Waterwolf.

Going down…..
Waterwolf under the dripping curtain.The raised gate always drips silty water over cabin tops and unwary helmspersons.

Mike and Ruth turned left, upstream, while we went the other way. They’ve not been on the river before and headed off to have a look at Northwich and Winsford before going back downstream.

We, on the other hand, didn’t get very far, pulling in on a section of piling on Barnton Cut.

Panoramic shot of Barnton Cut mooring on the River Weaver

Chasing a ball can be thirsty work.

The weather hasn’t been too bad over the Easter weekend, but we chose to stay put, watching the boats go past. Not as many as expected though. I thought it’d be busier down here than this.
We had company from a couple of plastic cruisers stopping for lunch on Saturday afternoon, then an overnight neighbour, NB Nocturne, a smart looking Braidbar boat.
Since yesterday morning we’ve had our bit of bank to ourselves.

I came across Mike and Ruth again this morning while I was out with Meg. They were just heading towards Runcorn, having enjoyed Vale Royal. I hung around, chatting while they locked down through Saltersford, then waved goodbye.

Our intention for today was to head in the same direction. But with a late start and a visit to the service block at Northwich (where there was a queue) it was gone 2 before we got back onto Barnton Cut. Clouds were threatening rain, so our day’s cruise just turned out to be to Northwich and back to where we started.

There’s always tomorrow….
Still it was pleasant to be out and about.

Both tanks now in use at the lift
Ever patient, grey heron fishing.
Did you know that birds can “switch off” one side of their bodies, that’s why they often stand on one leg. The other is on the sleeping side along with one eye. Clever, eh.

The air-gun toting local youths have missed a few panes at the Winnington Brunner Mond works
Visiting freighter’s crews used to paint their vessel's names on the wharf. The most recent I spotted was 1994. A different era….

Since last post – Locks 0, miles 8

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