Thursday, December 24, 2020

Changing weather as we head towards Wales

We set off from Ellesmere yesterday morning under damp, gloomy skies, dropping rubbish and recycling at the wharf before heading upstream.

Amber having a cuddle with Mags before we set off.


The gloomy skies got gloomier and damper and the breeze picked up too towards lunchtime, but we’d planned to be moored by then. We only just made it; I finished tying up near Bridge 7W just as a heavy shower blew over.

Looking out over a grey Shropshire.

The rain cleared later in the night, the clouds cleared too and the temperature dropped to near zero. Thankfully the wind dropped by this morning, becoming a stiff breeze. Cold though, from the north.

Under a blue sky we headed to New Marton Locks, ascending the two and filling the water tank above the top one.

New Marton Bottom Lock

Across St. Martins Moor above the locks.

The clouds started to build again as we headed on, and it felt a lot colder without the sunshine. But we didn’t  have far to go, pulling in outside The Poachers next to Bridge 19W.

The old chap in the garden near Belmont Bridge has had a make-over…

…and has been joined by his missus!

Moored outside The Poachers.

We’ve kindly been invited out for the day tomorrow, taking advantage of the one-day reprieve from the Covid restrictions. Looking forward to that. Not sure what we’re doing after that though.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who take the time to read my ramblings, and for the kind comments and good wishes. And of course to wish you all a very


Locks 2, miles 10


Judith nb Serena said...

Lovely to read your blogs again. Have a lovely day tomorrow and let's hope 2021 is a better year for everyone.
Judith nb Serena.

CJ Green said...

Hi Geoff, hope everything went well on Thurs. Happy New Year to you & Mags. - Carolyn, Ian & Milo x

Geoff and Mags said...

Thanks Judith, all the best for t2021.
Hi CJ. Yes all went well, and a Happy New Year to you and the crew too.