
By late afternoon most of the ice seemed to have disappeared, but then the temperature plummeted, the canal started to skin over, and by morning we were confronted with quite a familiar sight.
Snow on ice.

The ice is only ¼ inch thick at the moment, but with sub-zero temperatures forecast it’ll build up fast on the cold water.
Brick Kiln Lock

Looking back at the straight alongside the motorway. This was the hardest section on Wednesday.

Conditions permitting, we intend to go up Gailey Lock again on Tuesday, to meet Tescoman for a large grocery order, fill with water, empty the loos and get a bit more solid fuel from the wharf. That’ll last us till after Christmas.
We’ve got the bird feeders out in the bushes, and I’ve built a small platform for the ground feeders, too. Blackbirds, bluetits, robins and sparrows are regulars already, and we’ve a grey wagtail eating bread and birdseed off the ice alongside. Must be a bit of a snob, not mingling with the rest. We’ve yet to see the local kingfisher, with the water iced over again he’s probably hunting elsewhere.
Locks, 0, miles 0
Ooooo Geoff, if I were you I would do that tomorrow. I know it is clear by the lock and up at the top (as long as the boatyard are moving boats), but they may not be doing much after the weekend being it is Xmas week.. You could always go again on Tuesday..
Glad to see you made it to company and the services, you must be very relieved..
Hi Sue
I reckon we should be alright, M2L and RnR are going up tomorrow, and after Wednesday 300 yards up a lock and back should be a doddle..... Famous last words, eh!
Keep warm
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