I might try to reverse back to the services tomorrow, it’ll make it so much easier to load the coal delivery when it arrives. If I lash the tiller straight ahead, engage reverse on tickover and break the ice with the pole as we go…..
A friend of ours, John, left a comment the other day. The offer of company on Bruno’s last walk I may well accept.
As far as the rest of the comment goes – I was under John’s parent’s kitchen sink, adapting the plumbing to fit a new tap. For better access the waste was removed. I’d caught some errant water in a dish and passed it up to John for disposal. I think you can guess where he poured it…… Yep, straight down the plug hole!
Ealing Comedies would have been proud of it, though they’d have had to dub the subsequent conversation…
And John, good luck with this year's Pickle Fest!
Mag’s grand-daughter, Melanie, still has three of the litter of labradors that her dog, Bess, had earlier in the autumn. All three are black dogs, KC registered and of gundog parents.
They’re up in Yorkshire. If anyone out there is interested, drop me a line or a comment and I’ll pass on your details.
Wot’s this white stuff, Bro’?

Totally unrelated, the Staffordshire Roaches near Leek are for sale. Part of the Peak District National Park, the gritstone outcrop was bought in an unusual move to protect access and the environment. The NP are now looking for a buyer, so that responsibility for maintenance is no longer a burden. The prospective purchaser will have to meet certain criteria, however, relating to access and conservation. It will still be part of the National Park.
We used to climb there a lot, during my younger days, and often went Wallaby spotting. Apparently they’ve all but died out now, though. They were released from a private zoo way back in the 30’s
Locks 0, Miles 0
I did exactly the same thing when I was an apprentice, taking the waste trap from my boss and pouring it down the basin onto his head
For reversing through ice, the method I use is to give a "blast" in forwards, which sends a wave backwards which in turn breaks the ice, then go back abit then repeat, you will soon get to judge it so that progress can be made.
Thanks Alf
I'll give that a go. Won't be today though, after all.
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