Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Before we left Wheaton Aston this morning I made a quick trip to the shops, then we dieseled up and got some smokeless fuel at Turner’s Garage on the bridge. The next stop was the Sanitary Station for water, but the elsan disposal was out of order, so that will have to wait till Autherly.

Up through the lock (the last proper one on the Shroppie), and, ten minutes further on, we pulled in near to NB NO PROBLEM.

They’d moored for a couple of days above the lock, and had invited us for coffee as we passed today.

The coffee stop stretched through the whole afternoon, the four of us chatting first on one boat, then the other. The dogs, especially Meg and Meg, were happy playing on the towpath.

Sue and I finished the afternoon taking all 3 dogs for a circular walk around the local footpaths. They really enjoyed themselves, our Meg is shattered and is fast asleep on my feet as I type, but it was upsetting to spot a dead calf on our walk.

We’re staying here tonight, and will move on down to Brewood tomorrow.

Will post some pictures tomorrow.

Locks 1, miles 1.

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