Monday, April 07, 2008

We got away from Drakeholes at just before 11:00, straight into the tunnel.

Drakeholes Tunnel, South.
A 40 minute run through woods and farmland took us to the first lock of the day, Gringely Top Lock. The lock cottage is undergoing renovation at the moment.

Gringely Top Lock.
Half an hour later we were through Shaw Lock, and heading towards Misterton. There are several disused brickyards along the line of the canal, presumably built to supply construction material for the canal.

Near one of these works we saw today’s SBDA (Seen Better Days Award) winner, an old Mardon caravan.

SBDA Winner
We had a stop in Misterton to visit the handy Co-op, just 2 minutes from Bridge 81, then tackled the 2 locks in the village and cruised the last ¾ mile to West Stockwith Basin. We pulled onto a mooring pontoon as previously arranged with the lock-keeper, but Carol stayed further up the canal on the towpath, because it’s better for Reg the cat.

West Stockwith Basin
It's been a mixed sort of day, cold and showery this morning, but warming up a bit later. We had a pleasant walk this evening, along the Trent a little way, up the River Idle, across to the canal and back to West Stockwith.
Sonja has joined us for this week, making the broad locks a lot easier with 2 on each boat.
We’ve got to fill with diesel in the morning, then down onto the river for the last 13 miles to Keadby.

Locks 4, miles 6.

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