Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Jack Frost has called…

Our roof thermometer recorded -5° last night, much as forecast. There was ice on the water in the marina, but none out on the canal.

Near 180° stitched panorama of the marina from the bridge over the entrance channel.Panorama
Seyella is three boats in on the right-hand side. You might want to click to enlarge. What a lot of boats!

Ice across the entrance turning to clear water along the canal.SAM_4469

Meg loves this weather. She takes every opportunity to roll in frost and snow.

Not done so much today. A couple of jobs outside, tidying up on the roof, but that was a bit fraught with the frost underfoot. A downside of good internal insulation…

Had a very close game of Ludo with Mags this afternoon, one of the games that improves dexterity in her left hand. We’ve also got a dominoes league going…

I took Meg out for her last walk just before four o’clock, and she did a spot of bunny chasing in the woods behind the office buildings. She came back on a whistle, as always, but without her collar! She must have got it caught on a low branch and with a practised twist of her head pulled out of it. She’s done it before. We’ll have a look tomorrow morning, but I’m not holding out much hope.

Locks 0, miles 0

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