Leaving Boroughbridge moorings
The moorings are on the left, opposite is the sanitary station, where the wide-beam and the cruiser are moored. Neither are using the facilities, in fact the wide-beam was there when we arrived yesterday and the cruiser turned up late afternoon. If another boat wanted to fill with water or empty a loo tank they’d be stuffed.
The visitor moorings are on a narrow track, a bit muddy and frequented by dog walkers. On the other side there’s a bit of tidy grass, flagged paths and a car park. I guess that’s why they choose to be inconsiderate and selfish. They’re not alone; the same thing happened when we were on the way upstream.
Milby Lock gave us some problems on the way up, today it was a doddle. Full when we arrived, and it emptied completely so I could open the lower gates.
Milby Lock
There’s still an awful lot of water coming over the cill, though.
Last night stayed dry, and it was bright and sunny this morning, although that wind has steadily increased as the day wore on. I checked the river level last night and again this morning; it had dropped several inches overnight.
We decided to push on all the way to York. Linton Lock is about half-way, but it was such a fine day and we were making good time. Anyway, there may be showers around tomorrow…
Looking back at Swale Nab, where the River Swale joins from the right
That capsized narrowboat is still lying against the bank near Lower Dunsforth.
Flood casualty
The IBCs which will hopefully float it off during the next bout of high water can clearly be seen..
I just hope it’s well secured. If it does lift clear of the bottom the next stop will be Linton weir!
We weren’t buzzed by trainee pilots from RAF Linton today, only two prop aircraft in formation in the distance. The water was equally quiet; one cruiser and one canoe till we reached York.
Man and Dog
The skies weren’t deserted though, I tried in vain to catch a picture of one of several cormorants that took off ahead of us, and in several places swifts were diving on the water, stocking up on insects before their 5000 mile flight to winter in Africa.
Then there were groups of mallards, taking fright and flight as we approached. Not like the ones you’ll find at popular canal moorings…
Aldwark has two bridges, a footbridge and the clattery Toll Bridge.
Aldwark Toll Bridge
The noise when a vehicle goes over is due to the construction of the road bed. Hardwood timbers are laid loose in a steel frame.
I didn’t spot this sign on the way up… no guesswork this time, we’ve just moved back onto the Ouse!
I nearly went wrong at Linton, misreading the sign at the entrance to the lock cut.
Now to my mind, that tells me I need to go a little further, around a left bend keeping left. Wrong. In fact the sign is positioned on the end of the lock island, just where you need to turn left. They’d have been better off using some of those black and white chevron signs you see on road traffic islands.
Zooming out, the cut goes left just before the wide-beam with the sign on the front deck
The home-made sign that says ”<-LOCK” I guess we’re not the first to almost make that mistake.
Linton Lock has unusual wind-up paddle gear on the lower gates….
… only the paddles are called clouts around here!
Mags waiting for me to close up and join her after leaving the lock.
Note the landing under water. The river is higher here than upstream, due to the tributaries feeding in.
Clouds started to roll in from the west after lunch, and the day got noticeably cooler as the wind picked up.
Left turn at Nun Monkton Pool where the River Nidd comes in
The Sand Martins have already left for warmer climes….
… you can’t blame them with this rolling in.
The river got a little busier nearer the city, the rowing school was out and about, and trip boats were tripping.
A few more boats of varying sizes
We moored between Scarborough Bridge and Lendal Bridge, alongside Museum Gardens.
Moored in York
The threatening clouds didn’t amount to anything, just a few spots as we tied up. We’ll have a couple of days here before moving down to Naburn Locks and the tidal Ouse.
Locks 2, miles 19
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