The ruins from across the river
The building looks impressive from this angle, but there’s nothing the other side of the wall!
It must have been a fine sight when it was built in around 1300. This wall replaced an earlier one, and it was built with multi-sided towers instead of square-cornered ones. An original was left standing, on the right, the middle and left hand towers are the new ones. An indication of the two-tone stone used for facing is still visible.
Bishop Alexander was given permission to build a fortification in 1136, originally in wood but by the end of the century replaced by a substantial stone structure. It had a fairly uneventful history, apart from seeing the death of King John, until the English Civil War.
Newark was staunchly Royalist and held out against three successive sieges by Parliamentarian troops. It was finally surrendered when King Charles I was captured not far away at Southwell. He was held here prior to being marched to London and his execution in January 1649.
As a penalty the castle was partially destroyed and left abandoned, and local builders removed a lot of the remaining stonework for their own projects. Consequently the west wall overlooking the river and small portions of the north and south are all that remain.
Inside the castle looking out
I don’t think the bins are contemporary…
The ornate bay window looks out from the Bishop’s dining room
Looking along the inside of the west wall
The north tower and gatehouse
Back outside, I wonder how many people have poked their heads up these chutes, curious as to what they were. They are actually the outlets from garderobes, medieval toilets located above.
Straight into the river from here….
Dave and Barbara came round soon after lunchtime, we said our farewells for the time being then got away, heading out of town to Nether Lock.
Dave and Barbara. Great to see you both again; thanks again for last night. A nicer couple you couldn’t hope to meet.
There’s a mess of bridges around Nether Lock. The Newark bypass shoots over on a high span, and two railway lines converge to cross either end of the lock.
Newark bypass bridge and old industry
The lock is tucked around a right bend, unseen from the moorings. The instruction is not to proceed under the railway bridge unless you’ve a green light.
There’s a lock around here somewhere
The lock-keeper tends to keep the lock full if possible, so boats get a green light by default, unless a boat is coming up. That’s if there’s someone on duty. It’s a long trail backwards and forwards to operate the lock if the lights are on amber for self service.
Out of Nether Lock
It’s not a bad spot here, but the trains can be a bit noisy. Ok for one night. Tomorrow on to Cromwell for late morning, water up then drop down onto the tideway. Oh goody!
Locks 1, miles 1
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