A bit of a catch up entry, this. First, I hope all our readers had a good Christmas. We were quiet, tied up to the towpath as planned.
We stopped at Union Wharf until Friday, negotiating an extra night for £2.25 with Debbie in the Canaltime/BW office. Had a walk down into town on Thursday for shopping and to collect Mags’ prescription, but the form hadn’t arrived at the Post Office. (Turns out it wasn’t posted from Bentham till Wednesday night). So we moved off back down the Arm to the winding hole just past Bridge 10, on a fruitless search for a suitable mooring for a few days. We finished up on what wasn’t our first choice near Bridge 14. A bit busy with passing walkers, and a lot of diesel floating on the water, but handy for field walks for Meg.
On Saturday night at about 17:30 we were hailed by a passing Foxton Boat Services boat, who had had a brick thrown through a window at Bridge 15, just ¼ mile further on. He recommended we move. We thought about it, but decided to stay as planned, and had no trouble apart from someone kicking the side of the boat on Tuesday night.
Back down to the wharf on Wednesday to “service” the boat, and hopefully stay overnight on the visitor moorings. No chance! Spoke to Andy on NB Barlby who kindly rang Debbie for us who allowed us a mooring in the basin for 1 night, with shore power, for £4.50! Off down to MH for Mags’ prescription, and shopping at Sainsburys. Did 2 loads of washing as well while we had power. Saves using the batteries for the inverter.
Topped off the water, emptied the loo and rubbish and said goodbye to Union Wharf at 10:30. 2 Canaltime boats had already left ahead of us, so we were in no rush.
Leaving Union Wharf

BW must have been collecting some of the floating weed, there was a barge full near where they were dredging last week, so I only had to clear the prop and rudder once. The water is still as cold as it was though!
Weed Barge
Arrived at Foxton just after 13:00, and was surprised at how busy it was. Queue jumped a Canaltime boat (one of those that left the Wharf earlier) who was facing the wrong way! And set off up the flight. Arrived at the top 50 minutes later, and moored for the night just past Gumley Road Bridge, near the picnic area.
Took Meg for a walk around the restoration works, will return tomorrow morning with camera.
Saw one of my pet hates today…..
Who’s bright idea was it to put speed limit signs up in KPH? Everyone who uses the canals should know the limit is 4 MPH, and even this is often not achievable. This canal was built in the early 19th Century when Kilometers had not even been heard of in this country.
And anyway, 6.43 KPH? Why not just make it 6.5? As if the extra 7 meters per hour, if you could judge it that accurately, is going to make a difference. The signs would be cheaper.
Whinge over, but if anyone from BW would care to reply………
Locks 10 (Foxton)
Miles 6