It was still -2° when I set off on my morning run, but by the time Meg was ready to go out it had warmed up a bit. Back to shorts!
We had a good, long, enjoyable walk up the canal, round through the woods, then back past the church onto the Red Bull flight and home.
Lots of new shoots coming off the base of several of the trees, I wonder what causes this?
Does my bum look big in this….?
Must be good for nesting birds, though.
Meg just can’t resist the water
‘nother stick, Dad!
Out of the woods the track heads to Church Lawton church.
The Path to Salvation?
The fields either side have been manured, ploughed and harrowed ready for planting. Unlike some farmers, this one doesn’t just plough over the footpath.
Last chance for a paddle. bywash alongside Lock 45.
At L42 there’s a reminder that waterways can be dangerous. Last December 19 year old Mike Sutton drowned in the lock after trying to jump across the chamber. The lock was empty; had it been full the tragedy may not have happened. He was a keen Stoke City fan and a talented footballer in his own right.
Tributes to Mike Sutton at Lock 42
I was having a doze this afternoon when I heard the sound of a traditional diesel engine. I got up in time to see NB Alton, Peak Forest Canal Carrying Company, going past. Too late to stop them then, I walked down and met them at Harding’s Wood, and arranged for some solid fuel to be dropped off below the aqueduct for us.
NB Alton in Lock 42
So now we’ve enough coal to last us through till the warm weather returns, all being well.
I think we’re moving on a bit tomorrow, we’ll see how the weather looks. There’s been a few boats through this afternoon, and we’ve company on the moorings here tonight for the first time.
I do like this idea.... the concentrated water thing has got to be the way forward.
Locks 0, miles 0
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