It was around 10 when we pulled off from our mooring near Great Haywood Junction, the initial surge of early risers had departed, the more civilised among us were just sorting themselves out. Having said that, I guess I fall into the category of the less civilised; I was up and running around Shugborough Estate by 7 this morning…
Over the last couple of days we’ve been going through the boat, BSS checklist to hand, to make sure we pass the 4-yearly examination with no problems. Things that shouldn’t be there have been removed from the
I’ve resealed the flue pipe to the stove collar (it never seems to last more than one winter), painted said pipe and blacked the stove. And I’ve given under the cooker a good blitz, evicting spiders, dust and fluff, ‘cause this is where the gas pressure test point is hiding. No, I don’t do this just once every four years! The very thought!
We had our test appointment at Taft Wharf, formerly known as the pig farm, just Rugeley side of Bridge 69. Dave, the examiner, was busy through most of today, but we’d agreed that if he was back early enough he’d do the check this afternoon.
So we had the 3 mile cruise from Great Haywood to cover, arriving here at around noon.
A little quieter at the junction this morning.
Looking back at Shugborough Estate
Gunnera Manicata is a native of South America, imported here for specimen gardens.
Almost inevitably there’s a queue at Colwich Lock, the first one out of Great Haywood. Only one boat in front of us today, though.
Waiting for Colwich Lock…
Meg embarks to drop down the lock
You can always tell when you’re approaching Rugeley…
The Taft, home of the Boaters Christian Fellowship.
NB Maid of Oak is, as the name implies, a wooden narrowboat. She was completed 2006, probably the last wooden narrowboat hull built in the UK.
We filled up with diesel from NB Dexta at the wharf, then waited to see if Dave could see to us this evening, or would be leaving it till tomorrow.
He was back early enough to do our examination today, and I’m pleased to say we passed, just a very minor weep of diesel on the isolation valve between the tank and engine. I can deal with that myself. Excellent.
Dave is a pleasant chap to deal with, and only charges £100 for the examination if it’s done here. Call him on 07918 677782 if you need your BSS renewing.
So now we’re going to be getting on, leaving tomorrow for Rugeley for a bit of shopping then pushing on towards Shardlow.
Tom, definitely pro –pro –proc…. wasting time!
Locks 2, miles 3
It’s a good job you got rid of the fluff under the cooker or that might have been a ‘fail’ !!!!!!!
Great stuff Geoff, it is always good to get that one out of the way. Over four years things change and something that was OK last time isn't this!
Fluff and dust, and in my case dog hair under the cooker? Well at least I am not the only one! xx
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