A moorhen chick scurries into the undergrowth as we pass.
Eaton Foot Bridge and moored boats
A straight stretch before Buscot Bends
This is a bit more like it! Tee shirts and shorts, no jackets or waterproofs today!
I threatened more aircraft pictures today, well I’m only going to give you one, as a teaser or as a reprieve, depending on your point of view…
I haven’t a clue what it is, but it has Gothic crosses on the fuselage so I guess it’s German..
Buscot Lock sits in a wooded setting, and we had to wait a few minutes for a boat to leave before we were waved in.
Buscot Lock
After the lock there are some more tight bends where we met a trio of rowing boats out enjoying the sunshine.
Just messing about on the river….
We passed the fine looking converted Dutch Barge Orca….
…and the delightfully named Bloomer’s Hole Bridge.
I wonder what (or who) is Bloomer’s Hole? The Thames Path crosses to the south side of the river here.
The approach channel to St. John’s Lock is a little overgrown and I would have gone straight on if I hadn't spotted the sign lurking in the bushes…
St. John’s Lock, the highest on the river and probably the shallowest, too.
Father Thames reclines here in dignified repose. He was moved from Thames Head near Kemble in 1974 after repeated vandalism. He looks happier here…
Father Thames
We moored up just before Ha’penny Bridge, opposite Lechlade Church. It was very pleasant sitting outside with a brew for some and a beer for others, enjoying the sunshine and watching the planes go by.
Looking across at the tall spire of St. Lawrence Church.
While mooring up, George lost a mooring pin in the river so had to go fishing…
It’s down there somewhere….
Got a bite!
Compleat Angler
Those magnets are useful.
I know I said I wouldn’t, but here’s a taster for tomorrow.
One of the display teams practising
Locks 2, miles 3½
The Luftwaffe aircraft looks like an Airbus A310MRTT a tanker/transport variant. The pods under the wings near the tip are where the fuel hoses deploy. Not sure whose the F16s are.
It was £4 a night to moor in 2010, a lady came round on our second day there.
Still is. We had a guy round this morning. Could be an expensive stay. We've "Caution, Stream Increasing" advice now.
Thanks for the info, Roger. Was looking forward to catching a lot more aircraft today; we've heard them but mostly they've been hidden in low cloud.
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