Meet Amber.
The van delivered her to us outside Ellesmere Tesco’s

She’s a rescue from Romania where they’re rounded up and destroyed if not offered new homes. The transport dropped off in Germany and France on the way, so it’s not just us Brits who are daft on dogs…
She’d made a good friend of one of the drivers, I think he’d have kept her if he could, so was reluctant to leave him. I carried her most of the 100 yards to the boat but as soon as she got aboard she found a new BFF!

I felt quite left out…
She ate and drank then fell asleep, it must be quite stressful to be rehomed in this way and sleep is the best therapy.

At bedtime she was whining a bit for being left alone but settled down after a quarter hour or so, curling up in her nice soft bed. Two small accidents overnight saw us exploring the towpath at 2 and 5, not really her fault but she really needs to give me more notice!
Out again at half six when we could see what we were doing.

Today she’s been dozing through the morning, going out regularly so she knows where to pee, she was a bit barky earlier on as dogs started appearing on the towpath but a bit of focus training (with the help of chicken sausage) has improved that already. I think she’s going to be a quick study but I’ll leave it a couple more days before starting training properly.
She’s around 11 months old, one of the lucky ones who was picked up off the streets by a rescue shelter rather than the municipal authorities. She’d been there for 6 months during which two attempted adoptions fell through for no fault of hers.
We’ll do some easy cruising for the next couple of weeks, no banging about in locks (as if!) to get her used to the motion and engine noise, though after spending 2,500 travelling in a van canal cruising should be a luxury!
We moved into the arm on Friday and she should have been with us on Saturday, but the delays lost the transport a day. I think we’ll head back out to our usual spot later today. The birds will be missing us, then what we do next depends on how well Amber settles in. She’s doing well at the moment…